Through the evolution of network marketing from the past 60 years the modern MLM and networking business is able to enjoy ongoing success, even though the beginnings have a slight tumultuous twist. The idea of letting those who sold the products to actually buy them was rooted in the 1800s when the first commission based sales began. Later, Amway took the idea a step further and let people buy the products, recruit business partners and build a network of businesses.
As Henry Heinz began selling his ketchup and pickle concoctions he began to realize that he needed help getting them out to the market. Because he did not have the money to hire a lot of sales people, he began one of the first commission based payment systems for the peddlers who sold his products. The same idea was used by Asa Candler who founded Coca-Cola.
The concept of creating an ownership model came about in the 1940s and 50s. This was the time that the largest Multi-Level Marketing corporations came to be. Amway was one of the originals. Originally, the founder created Nutralite, but when the success of the sales were so big, the manufacturer began slowing production in hopes of getting some of the revenue for themselves. The founder then created his own product, and soon bought the manufacturer. To this day it is a subsidiary of Amway. Mary Kay Cosmetics and Tupperware were also started using the owner-seller model.
As fate would have it, there were some people who decided to use the model provided by the very successful MLM companies and build a fake company based on the recruitment model. Selling memberships in an organization that had no product, but instead would pay out to those at the top of the pyramid, the pyramid scheme was born. Because its model was so close to the successful MLM model, many people then and now associate the two. This is a link that the MLM industry has had difficulty shaking, even with their huge successes.
The FTC sued Amway in 1975 trying to prove they were a pyramid scheme. The courts later sided with Amway, declaring them to be legitimate because they provide products. The downside is the link between the MLM industry and the pyramid scheme remains linked in peoples minds, even though the MLM corporations were the ones who requested the anti-pyramid laws in the first place.
The industry has advanced along with technology. The tools used to communicate have improved. Individuals receive orders faster and training is better. Even those who are skeptical have begun to realize that they use many products because of an MLM provider.
When the internet came about the entire industry was taken to a new level. Building a webpage for businesses and incorporating social network media into the formula has caused an increase in both legitimate and illegitimate opportunities. The products are often sold without the personal face to face client interactions. The concepts haven't changed and the need for personal references remains a very important factor.
Through the ups and downs of technology advances, the evolution of network marketing from the past 60 years has been regarded as a successful and lasting model. Through relationships, trust is build. Networks are also built via trust.
As Henry Heinz began selling his ketchup and pickle concoctions he began to realize that he needed help getting them out to the market. Because he did not have the money to hire a lot of sales people, he began one of the first commission based payment systems for the peddlers who sold his products. The same idea was used by Asa Candler who founded Coca-Cola.
The concept of creating an ownership model came about in the 1940s and 50s. This was the time that the largest Multi-Level Marketing corporations came to be. Amway was one of the originals. Originally, the founder created Nutralite, but when the success of the sales were so big, the manufacturer began slowing production in hopes of getting some of the revenue for themselves. The founder then created his own product, and soon bought the manufacturer. To this day it is a subsidiary of Amway. Mary Kay Cosmetics and Tupperware were also started using the owner-seller model.
As fate would have it, there were some people who decided to use the model provided by the very successful MLM companies and build a fake company based on the recruitment model. Selling memberships in an organization that had no product, but instead would pay out to those at the top of the pyramid, the pyramid scheme was born. Because its model was so close to the successful MLM model, many people then and now associate the two. This is a link that the MLM industry has had difficulty shaking, even with their huge successes.
The FTC sued Amway in 1975 trying to prove they were a pyramid scheme. The courts later sided with Amway, declaring them to be legitimate because they provide products. The downside is the link between the MLM industry and the pyramid scheme remains linked in peoples minds, even though the MLM corporations were the ones who requested the anti-pyramid laws in the first place.
The industry has advanced along with technology. The tools used to communicate have improved. Individuals receive orders faster and training is better. Even those who are skeptical have begun to realize that they use many products because of an MLM provider.
When the internet came about the entire industry was taken to a new level. Building a webpage for businesses and incorporating social network media into the formula has caused an increase in both legitimate and illegitimate opportunities. The products are often sold without the personal face to face client interactions. The concepts haven't changed and the need for personal references remains a very important factor.
Through the ups and downs of technology advances, the evolution of network marketing from the past 60 years has been regarded as a successful and lasting model. Through relationships, trust is build. Networks are also built via trust.
About the Author:
Discover why the evolution of network marketing from the past 60 years provides ongoing success now in our guide to all you need to know about how and where to find the best network marketing opportunities
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