Kamis, 22 Desember 2011

3 Essentials and 4 Maps for the Spiritual Journey

By Tony Cuckson

There are numerous paths up the mountain except the idea that there is only one path up the mountain. Whenever one starts out on a journey it is usually a good idea to have some idea about the reason to begin taking the journey. It also helps to know what you want to take on the journey. Then there is the need to be able to recognize and follow the signposts that you will find along the way. Finally, you need to know how to recognize your final destination. This is even more essential when it comes to planning and taking the spiritual journey. The essential nature of a spiritual journey is that it is a journey that moves inward. The destination of the spiritual journey is a direct awareness of who you are and why you are.

The Reason for the Spiritual Journey

There are lots of reasons to take the spiritual journey. One essential reason is the reason invited from the teaching of the Buddha. The Buddha in his teaching of the Four Noble Truths provided a map of spiritual guidance that allows you to put an end to suffering. On a rather more positive note a key reason one takes a spiritual journey is to become aware of the light within and to realize you are that light within. This realization is called enlightenment. Another reason for taking the spiritual journey includes the essential task of creating meaning and purpose for living what the poet Mary Oliver called Your One Wild and Precious Life.

What you Will Need on the Spiritual Journey

There are several things you might well take on the spiritual journey. Because this is an inward journey the first two are vital. You will not venture far without these. Commitment is the first essential, followed closely by that other essential, named patience. Practice is the third essential for the spiritual journey. The spiritual journey needs dedicated practice on a daily basis. If you take nothing other than these three essentials you will be well enough prepared for your inner journey.

Use the Correct Kind of Map

There are lots of maps to lead you along the spiritual journey. These maps are called religions. There are two categories of map provided in each religion. One map is named the map of the Exoteric Way and the other map is known as the Esoteric Way. The Exoteric Way is the way of the outer and the Esoteric Way is the map of the inner. The map to be trusted for serious spiritual seekers is that of the Inner Way, or Esoteric way. The Exoteric map is the map used by those who will tell you that there is only one way up the mountainside and it's their way.

The spiritual journey has been clearly mapped by wisdom teachers and sages of all times and all traditions. Listed below are four of the maps that are recommended for consideration for anybody who is not very clear about how to begin their spiritual journey.

1. The Way of the Chakras.
2. The Way of the Spiral.
3. The Way of the Christ.
4. The Hero's Journey.

The maps listed above map the spiritual journey in its fullness. Other maps start the further along the stages of the journey.

The Destination

The word destination can be separated into "the action" and "of destiny." The spiritual journey isn't really about arriving but is the experience of the journey itself. To arrive means that you're still involved with the dimension of space and time and the destination of the spiritual journey is a living and loving paradox. It is arriving at that place less place that's everywhere and also nowhere at the same time. It's the essential journey to that which is beyond space-time and to that which is never born and never dies.

Practice is the way you take the spiritual journey to the knowing of the true Self. What your personal spiritual practice will be will be for you to decide. Choose a practice that fits your personality. Be very careful if you make the decision to follow the dictates of an authority outside yourself. Whatever your spiritual practice make it a focal point of your day. Be patient. Be kind and above all things commit to the true Self.

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