Sabtu, 18 Juni 2011

Three Suggestions to Play a Better Golf Game

By Jonathan Woods

Golf is a relatively complex game and playing properly involves getting various factors right. But this does not mean that it will stop you from becoming a good golf player if you are just starting out. As long as you are okay with the fact that it will take practice and that you shouldn't expect to learn everything all at once, then there shouldn't be anything keeping you from being a good golf player. Read on for information that can help you to become a better golfer.

The first step to improve your golf game involves making sure that you have the right equipment. This is not saying that you should have the most expensive equipment available. To be quite honest, if you are new to the game, you should get the least expensive clubs you can find. These can come from someplace like a garage sale until you know which golf clubs at the best for your style of play. For instance, if you have to have a light club with an easy swing, you should get golf clubs that have graphite shafts. But you must realize that the cheapest are steel shaft clubs. The only way to find the perfect set of clubs is to try them out, even if that means asking to try your friend's clubs while on the range. Once you have figured out which clubs suit you, then you can invest in a customized set of professional golf clubs.

The easiest approach to learning or improving your golf game is to hire a professional instructor. Since you are spending good money for his time, you really should take advantage of using your instructor. This means that you need to stop being shy and speak up. If something seems fuzzy to you, then inform the instructor. You shouldn't be afraid to tell them what your goals are and what problems you have been having. Also, do your best to stay calm.

This means that you need to check your shyness at the door and speak up. If you don't understand something, tell the instructor. You should not be afraid to disclose your goals and the issues that you are having. Also, attempt to stay calm. This is because if you're nervous, you will swing too quickly and you won't be able to concentrate. You have to focus on the game and on the instructor, or you are wasting valuable time without learning anything.

Many golfers align their feet to the right of their target and end up swinging too far to the left. The best way to align yourself is to have your toes parallel to the mark, with the club head pointing in the direction you want the ball to go. Likewise, if you want to master a good distance swing, then you need to be able to generate power. While strength is essential to getting the right power, your swing also plays a part in this. The plan to get the best amount of power is to turn so that your left shoulder is over the right foot on your backswing. Clearly, there are many factors involved in playing a great golf game but with a solid foundation and plenty of practice, you too can play golf like the pros. When you make your main goal one of enjoying the game and making your game improve over time you'll be on your way to becoming the envy of the course fast.

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