Selasa, 03 Mei 2011

What You Can Learn From Stag Night Disasters

By Sakis Mavromatis

When other people make mistakes it can be a great learning experience for the rest of us. Learning from other people's mistakes means that we won't have to make the same ones and for a once in a lifetime event this is particularly important. When it comes to stag night disasters it is important to learn from people's mistakes because there are plenty of mistakes that could be made.

The following are a few of the common mistakes that some people make when planning stag nights

- The person organising the event (usually the best man) has organised an event that they are going to enjoy rather than something that the groom or the rest of the group will appreciate. It is important to keep in mind that the stag night is not about us and that not everyone will enjoy the same things that we do.

- Too many stag organisers will arrange for the event on a night that is just inappropriate. There is no night that will suit everyone but the best thing to do is to avoid choosing a night during the week because most people will have to work the next day.

However if you plan the night with plenty of advance notice, then everyone should be able to make sure they are free.

- The biggest mistake that people make when organising a stag night is that they fail to put enough planning into it. Just arranging to meet at the local and hoping that things will work out is usually a recipe for disaster.

The best way to ensure the success of the stag party that you are organising is to have a plan in place; you may also want to have another plan in place in case the first one doesn't go to plan.

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