Minggu, 01 Mei 2011

Tips For Decreasing Your Car Insurance Costs

By Selena Larkey

Many people feel like high car insurance rates are draining their savings and making it harder to pay all of their bills on time. However, you do not need to continue paying the same premium, and the information in this article may be able to help you lower your rate.

The biggest mistake that people make when purchasing their coverage is to spend too little time shopping around and comparing plans. By taking your time to compare as many policies and prices as possible, you can rest assured that you will be making an informed, rather than a rushed, decision.

Drivers who do not search for new policies annually may also be overspending on their coverage. By shopping around for a new policy, you can see how your current coverage compares to other plans, and you may also be able to get a rebate for switching or a lower monthly cost.

You should never purchase your coverage without fully understanding what each policy offers and how it compares to your needs. A common mistake that drivers make when selecting a plan is to decrease their liability coverage and increase their deductibles to secure the lowest possible premiums. However, this can cost you, since this type of policy may not be right for you. Always take your driving habits and record into account.

Certain drivers may be able to save by choosing a higher deductible and a lower amount of liability coverage. Typically, these drivers should have clean driving records and histories. They should also frequent safe roads and park their vehicles in safe neighborhoods most of the time.

If you are regularly parking and driving through dangerous areas or if you tend to get into accidents, you may benefit from purchasing a policy with a higher premium and more coverage. This may decrease your long term out of pocket expenses, since your insurance will be able to provide you with more money when you make a claim.

Some drivers have also lowered their car insurance rates by changing the way that they drive. For example, by parking your car in secure garages and covered spaces, you may be offered a lower monthly or annual premium. You may also be able to find additional savings by carpooling more often, taking buses and trains, and using a bicycle. Many companies do partially base their rates on the number of miles you drive regularly.

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